Why do people cling to the box of what a black artist should be? 

Stifling them to the narrative of their past and the pain of their present. Why must I scream the song of my oppressor into the blackness of the void? Why can’t I dream a dream once dreamt? Why can’t I paint a story told to me by my ancestors? One that I don’t have the English tongue to describe. One that f l o w s   like rivers from my spirit onto the canvas. 

I have many stories inside of me. Many I don’t understand until they are already told. I want to share them. I want the freedom of this. The liberation to freely express what lies within me without the restraints of what I’m told I “should” be.

 I am black. I am woman. I am everchanging. 

I am one who comes with heavily packaged luggage and the heart of a tender girl. I am one who shields herself from those who tell her to dim her light. Who tell her to “h u s h” because she doesn't have all the words yet.

I want to share me. All of me. Especially the parts that I don't understand yet. 

I am me and I am free 

A statement from the artist

Gabrielle Tolliver

Basing her work primarily in abstraction, Tolliver’s compositions implement audacious color palettes and aim to incorporate elements of nature, the human form, and their relationships. By combining intuitive creation and strategic arrangement, the compositions are able to display the beauty of organic forms and their interactions.